Falleentium Wiki

By Order of the Imperial Chancellor

1. The Political entity known as the Verzarian Front is hereby forcibly disbanded and outlawed.

2. All party assets and materials are to be siezed and turned over to the relevant services for either destruction, redistribution or investigation.

3. All current and former officeholders of the VF are hereby barred from holding public office for a period of 25 years from the enactment of this decree.

4. The party is forbidden to be reformed and any new found party which either claims succession from or is connected to this current party is hereby rendered illegal and illegitimate.

5. All party funds which are siezed by this decree are to be granted to the next Verz state government, once one is elected, to help rebuild the state where there are damages due to the terror and crime that the VF endorsed.

6. This action is justified under The Human Rights Act of 536AER, Freedom of Speech Clause, Section 1c, which states that freedom of speech of public and state employees does not cover any form of sedition.
