Falleentium Wiki

An Act to officially recognise other linguistic groups within the Empire and grant those languages bureacratic rights. 

Article I. The following languages shall be recognised as official languages(but not as primary languages) of the following federal states: 

  • Apari - Fallish/Aparian(Fallish dialect) 
  • Tapanuo - Talbarish 
  • Balbarno - Balbarish 
  • Tarbanos - Balbarish and Talbarish 
  • Delooiium - Balbarish, Talbarish and Jalbe 
  • Melmorri - Talbarish, Jalbe and Cartrian 
  • Farrulli - Jalbe and Gorigeen 
  • Veldunium - Veld and Jalbe 
  • Tarpon - Aparian dialect and Tarponian 
  • Hastiga - Hastigeen 
  • Jalbetrer - Jalbe and Gorigeen 
  • Cartria - Cartrian and Gorigeen 
  • Nilira - Niliran 
  • Entloland - Entoleen and Cartrian 
  • Delnour - Delnish 
  • Verzoonium - Verzarian 
  • Haals - Haal

Article II. All of the previously mentioned states(and those not mentioned) will keep Fallish as their primary language. 

Article III. Previously mentioned languages will be primary languages of educational institutions in their respective States, while education in Fallish will also always be available. 

Article IV. This Act does not apply to colonies, which are not considered as federal States.
