Falleentium Wiki


I. To create a Coalition, both Government and Opposition Coalitions, it must be done in accordance with the Parliament Paragraph.

II. In order for a Government Coalition to be approved, the Parties of the Coalition must form a joint Political Program which all the Parties of the Coalition must agree to.

III. This Political Program must be designed a week (7 days) after the Election Results - If the Government Coalition cannot agree to a joint Political Program, the Coalition will lose power.

IV. The Program must include the following:

  • - Policy on Internal Affairs & Citizenship:
  • - Policy on Foreign Affairs & Alliances:
  • - Policy on Economy & Trade:
  • - Policy on Religion:
  • - Policy on Military & War:
  • - Policy on State Structure:
  • - Policy on Imperial Possessions & Dominions:
  • - Policy on Other Necessary Matters:

V. The Program can be changed at any time as long as there is consensus in the Coalition.

VI. It is important to clarify what the Program say - for example, if a Party from the Government "vote against" the Political Program, it could led to that the Coalition will fall apart.

VII. The Proposal is aiming to create a greater consensus among the Parties forming the Government, and thereby create a greater cooperation in the Government.
