Falleentium Wiki

The Blind Person’s Act[]

“This nation has previously ignored the needs of a group of vulnerable people within Falleentium those being the blind. The families of these people struggle to make ends meet because of an unfortunate disability. This Government puts forward a small but powerful bill to ensure that these families will no longer have to struggle to make ends meet.” - Nigel Farage, Vice Chancellor.

Registration of the Blind[]

~Authorities are to keep registers of blind and partially sighted people. {This is to aid authorities should a situation arise where said person is involved}

~Schools are to keep a register of their blind students. Students will then later on be allowed to take the same exams as regular students with aid. {This would include questions being read out etc}

Economic Clause[]

~ The Age in which blind people can obtain a pension will be lowered to 50.
