Falleentium Wiki

Preamble: []

“If it pleases the Chamber, I wish to present a motion regarding State Parliaments. Personally I disagree strongly with a Unicameral Parliament system, it allows many radical parties quickly seize power and allow for very volatile and unconsidered motions to be spread through the democratic process without being given adequate time for public opinion or external scrutiny of said proposals. As such I view it a necessity for States to have the legal right to transform themselves from a Unicameral to a Bicameral Parliament system if they so please. Such is my proposal to the Chamber.” – Danny Alexander, Liberal Democratic Alliance MP. 

Clauses: []

I. State Parliaments are given the full legal right to hold either a Public Referendum or Private vote within their Chambers to convert themselves from a Unicameral to Bicameral Parliamentary structure. 

II. Likewise the States also have the power to decide upon the form of Electoral System used to elect members to the Upper House, should they create a Dual Chamber system.

III. The State's maintain full right over their own Parliamentary Affairs via the Federal Decentralisation Act of 519AER.
